MPAS Regridding¶
Regridding MPAS ocean/sea-ice data files¶
Low Complexity¶
In this example, a directory of files will be regridded. For mpassi files, add the flag “–sgs_frc=timeMonthly_avg_iceAreaCell” to turn on sub-grid-cell regridding, or use the –prc_typ=mpasseaice to change the procedure type to mpas-sea-ice.
#!/bin/bash # map from the MPAS 60km-to-30km mesh to the 1x1 degree grid
input_dir=mpaso # path to input directory
output_dir=180x360 # path to output directory
flags="--prc_typ=mpas --d2f" # This invokes the mpas regridder, and converts output from double precision to single
ncremap -m ${mapfile} -I ${input_dir} -O ${output_dir} {flags}
High Complexity¶
In this example, two variables will be extracted into single-variable-per-file time-series files. These will be compressed and deflated, and the data will be converted from double to single precision. For mpas sea-ice files, add the flag “–sgs_frc=timeMonthly_avg_iceAreaCell” to turn on sub-grid-cell regridding, or use the –prc_typ=mpasseaice to change the procedure type to mpas-sea-ice
#!/bin/bash # map from the MPAS 60km-to-30km mesh to the 1x1 degree grid
input_dir=mpaso # path to input directory
output_dir=180x360 # path to output directory
vars=timeMonthly_avg_seaSurfaceSalinity,timeMonthly_avg_seaSurfaceTemperature # variables to extract in a comma separated list
start=1850 # first year of model data
end=2014 # last year of model data
flags="-7 --dfl_lvl=1 -m mpas --d2f" # format and deflation flags
ncclimo \
${flags} \
--var=${vars} \
--yr_srt=${start} \
--yr_end=${end} \
--input=${input_dir} \
--output=${dir_out} \